cutting spring onions

Plant-Powered & Proud: How I Found Digestive Bliss at 55!

Hello, fabulous readers! Grab a cozy seat, perhaps a cup of herbal tea, and join me on this journey into the world of whole-food plant-based living. I’m not your average 55-year-old, and this is no ordinary tale of kale salads and tofu. No, this is an honest exploration of my transition to a whole-food plant-based diet —a journey fueled by a quest for better digestion, revamped eating habits, and an unexpected surge of energy. But first, let’s address the elephant in the room: the “V-word.”

The V-Word Conundrum:

Now, I’m all for embracing labels, but there’s something about being called a “vegan” that makes me cringe a little. Maybe it’s the stereotypes, the judgment, or the notion that all we eat is grass (spoiler alert: we don’t—unless its wheatgrass). So, let’s set the record straight—I’m not your typical vegan. No judgment if you are, but I prefer to think of myself as a whole-food plant-based enthusiast.

Whole-Food Plant-Based…Say What?

If you’re scratching your head, don’t worry; I was too when I stumbled upon this term. Whole-food plant-based (WFPB) is like the cool, laid-back cousin of veganism. While vegans tend to avoid all animal products, WFPB enthusiasts focus on eating minimally processed plant foods. It’s the difference between a vegan cupcake and a plate piled high with vibrant veggies and legumes. See? Not all plant-based diets are created equal.

My Not-So-Typical Vegan Transformation:

So, what prompted this 55-year-old, post-menopausal woman to dive headfirst into the world of WFPB living? Well, it wasn’t just about saving the planet (although that’s a delightful bonus) or chanting “save the animals” at every meal (although animal welfare matters). It started with a simple desire to feel better.

Digestion Liberation:

Let’s talk about digestion, shall we? I won’t go into explicit details, but let’s just say my digestive system decided it was time for a revolution. Enter WFPB. I swapped out heavy, processed foods for colorful, nutrient-packed plant delights, and my digestive system threw a metaphorical party. Who knew plants could be the VIPs of the gut?

orange, pear, avocado and spinach smoothie

Energy Unleashed:

Now, I’m not claiming to have discovered the fountain of youth, but this whole-food plant-based gig brought a surprising boost of energy. It’s like I stumbled upon a hidden reserve of vitality, and I’m here to tell you, it feels fantastic. Forget the mid-afternoon slumps; I’m rocking through my days with the energy of a teenager—minus the teenage drama.

The Vegan Label and Its Quirks:

Back to that pesky “vegan” label. Why does it come with so much baggage? Maybe it’s the assumption that we spend our evenings hugging trees or the belief that our wardrobes consist solely of hemp clothing. Newsflash: I still wear leather shoes, and I haven’t hugged a tree since last summer. Labels aside, I’m just a woman trying to enjoy a plateful of goodness without the side of judgment.

Beyond the Plate:

While I’m relishing the benefits on my plate, there’s more to this WFPB journey than meets the eye. It turns out that what’s good for me is also good for the planet and our furry friends. Call it a win-win-win situation. I’m reducing my carbon footprint, supporting sustainable agriculture, and indirectly giving a nod to those adorable animals.

Navigating the Social Terrain:

Now, let’s talk about the social aspect. Going to dinner with friends has become a comedic adventure. “Wait, you don’t eat cheese anymore?” they gasp. Cue the eye rolls and the inevitable “But where do you get your protein?” question. Spoiler alert: plants have protein too, and no, I don’t miss the cheese as much as you think. Besides, vegan cheese has come along way.

colorful raw food bowl

The Joy of Cooking (Plant-Based):

Contrary to popular belief, cooking as a WFPB enthusiast isn’t a tedious task involving rare, exotic ingredients. It’s about celebrating the simplicity of whole foods. Quinoa, kale, beans—my kitchen has turned into a vibrant palette of colors, and every meal is a chance to get creative. Bonus: fewer ingredients mean fewer trips to the grocery store. Time and money saved!

Witty Wisdom from a 55-Year-Old Plant Pioneer:

In the spirit of wisdom acquired through half a century, here’s my advice to anyone considering a WFPB adventure: Embrace the journey, laugh at the stereotypes, and savor every plant-filled bite. You don’t have to fit the mold; create your own. And remember, it’s not just a diet change; it’s a lifestyle shift—one that brings joy, vitality, and a fair share of laughs.

In Conclusion:

So here I am, at 55, proving that whole-food plant-based living is more than a trend; it’s a delightful, delectable way to embrace life. Whether you’re intrigued by the prospect of better digestion, curious about new eating habits, or simply in need of an energy boost, consider joining me on this adventure. The world of whole-food plant-based living is vast, colorful, and surprisingly humorous. Veg out with me, won’t you?